Friday, January 6, 2012



ngga nyangka banget yah, udh tahun 2012:""") lotta thanks to bad&good memories in 2011

anyway uca kenapa kudet banget ya ngucapin tahun baru setelah 6 of page 365 as tanggal 6 januari-_- maaf kemarin modem kecolong sama sekutu sekutu yang harus disayang{} eh sebetulnya itu hukuman gara-gara aku ketauan nangis 2 kali untuk alasan yang sama padahal aku janji nggabakalan mau nangis lagi H4H4 hampa tanpa internet, ya itu yang aku rasain. tapi ngga sepunuhnya keisi sama bored time juga sih, aku justru malah bisa ngerasain gimana rasanya 'real holiday without internet' ngga seburuk yang dipikir juga. disitu aku malah dpt banyak petuah yang emang bagus banget kalau aku terapin=)) ketemu mas angga, biasanya kalau liburan tu kebo jalan eh ini stay aja dirumah nemenin aku curhat, main aaah berasa punya kakak cowo;3 kalau fara sih udh punya dunia lain disana.-. mas angga itu someone that i needed emuaaah:-* he can be my shoulder, my moodbooster, my captain aaa everything. baik banget juga wkwk, mungkin karena aku suka kpop dikasih file video kpop banyakkkkk!:'D terharu abissss, finally i have new stuffff many more dvd korea<3<3 ada wgm khuntoria yang udh aku idamin bgtbgtan dari episode 1 sampe 60 berapa gitu, leeteuk&sistar hello baby, pianist, it's okay daddy daughter&yunhanam shinee. aaaaaa EXCITED! something that i want is come to be real yuhuyyy. yang paling seneng sih aku dpt geratisss cuma suruh nemenin dia nonton basket pas dia tanding sama siapa gitu. ya walaupun pas nonton aku lebih banyak diem sih-_- malu aku kecil sendiri yang lain sma sma gitu, iyasi ada beberapa temen ceweknya mas angga yang udh kenalan tp kan tetep aja malu hffft demi kpop nih!:-p\m/  pas liat mas angga main dari tribun gitu aku jadi inget dbl, aku kangen teriak nama sense disitu hihihi. i miss the memories on there, everything on dbl:') 1minggu lebih disitu aku curhat banyak banget, ngga cuma mas angga disitu juga ada mbak dina yang mau dengerin aku ngomel nggajelas hahaha i'm comfort with her<3 telimakaci buat kaos babinya yang katanya kalau aku nangis mirip banget sama aku:3 WKWK-_- ofc i love them!!! somepeople that always give me spirit when i'm down. hal yang paling sweetest yang pernah dilakuin mas angga menurutku itu pas angga nawarin jadi moodboosterku gara-gara aku unmood habis nangis, aku cuma bilang top moodbooster itu eskrim, coklat&musik. mas angga nggitar di depanku nyanyiin lagu overboard-justin bieber aaaw how a sweetes one:'] dari petuah mbak dina, mas angga&temenya move onku sukses alhamdulillah;;) disana aku juga udh janji mau berubah, aku dibilang terlalu aceng alias anak cengeng, terlalu buang waktu karena too much care for someone that always igonore me;_; hehe. aku udh ngga gitu lagi ko mas, mbak&temenya mas mbak uca versi 2012 udh beda dari versi lalu insyaallah lebih baik lebih bisa njaga hati&diri sendiri dan ngga plinplan. kali ini beneran mau ngga gitu gitu lagi apalagi kalau berhasil dpt reward kan? aaaih makin semangat<3 aku nggabakal lupa sama apa yang kalian bilang panjang lebar dari solo-jogja:-p aku udh yakin ko ini bener yaah setidaknya ini yang 'paling' bener diantara pikiran lainya;) thankyou for being my blvd brotha&sista that always give me something that i need yahhh i love u!;-* 

nyaris terlupakan, 3januari 2012 happy failed anniv ting² semakin kompak yahhh kita:""")
onemore, selamat bertahun 2012 semoga semakin lebih baik, keep being yourself darl cause you are so look beuatiful in your own way;)


Thursday, December 22, 2011


"aku masih bisa berdiri&hidup dengan baik ada atau ngga adanya kamu. hap bangkit. terimakasih untuk cerita dgn tinta hitam kamu:')" 

you don't know me so well like you said to me shut up your mouth pls;)

Monday, November 28, 2011

"Di dalem gerombolan jangan ada gerombolan, dijamin pasti hancur dari salah satu gerombolan itu. liat aja" 

Saturday, November 19, 2011


hello! just posted freak picture with them (read: Ka Tyas&Oleeet). this pose is taked after we see Breaking Dawn on Royal!:D yes i'm already BreakingDawn-ing~~~~ omoooo jcob is more handsome much much much than before!he is look manly. jacob have a brownies  skin whereas edward? he has a white skin. i like man with him brownies skins. so, so, so? if i am is Bella swan sure i'll choice jcob than edward *eaa
don't shocked to see how silly me & how beautifull she is! (Read: Ka Tyas) honestly, we don't know how use there camera so, many picture taked accidentally. those studio is different between studio ever i see (i'm so stranger with the pc, it doesn't touch screen&the loading... argh! it's take a long time to shoot)  the conclusion is.....i'll never back to go there hwehehe *no offense*-_- and i'm realize i'm so black, i must have a spirit to save my skin from ultraviolet rays.this not sweet this so black!!!!!!! see?
padaaaaaaaaaaa checkitdot! 

Ka Tyas. pretty rite?

see me it's taken with accidentally.-.

i'm so black than olit. it's dangerous!!

Xo, Uca

When I'm with you, I feel so safe.
Like I'm home.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Stupid me!

I always fly high in whom later dropped. What do you think? sick? course. But what I think you did not necessarily taste. Maybe everyone can say 'you're not the best for me' but I always try to make you the best.

Try to open your eyes you have me here who love you. You never feel or how? you numb bleak to me. This is very sick. Will I pass it all?

Will I?
Will I?
Will I?
All depends on me. But I already love you

People can be blinded by love. And I began to experience what is said by those words. Too heavy to knowthat without restraint has ended. I am like a blind eye to all this reality

Could you find out what I think. I was wrong? maybe you already know what I think but you like to pretend do not know about all this. Evil? maybe not that bad but I heart you are evil

When you think this feeling like my heart is feeling your heart. I want time with you but that is notapproved. But I always wanted to make you happy with what I do. Will you be mine. I want to own youMaybe it's like a nightmare for me to love people who can't love myself. Oh god give the best for me. If him can't be mine, let him get the best.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Mine Look Like Yours

When everyday look still and everything look exactly the same
When the lights go on and off
When the sun smile too bright and I don't even notice
And when the night feels like afternoon,
Well, I haven't sleep a wink.
What is the reason to sleep anyway?
You're not here to sing me a lullaby,
hug me along the way.

You're erasing yourself in my future,
You make me believe you wont come back
And I'm too tired trying to make you realize,
I'll always be there beside you because I care.

Me, always put a good faith on you.
You, teach me an extraordinary pain that my heart never knew.

You make mine look like yours.
We are now the same.
Nothing to give anymore.
Because its already broke and gone away.

I don't want you to know,
how much I miss you.
Because you don't miss me at all.

I don't want you to know,
how much I love you.
Because you don't love me the way I do.

I want you to know,
Saying goodbye is hurt.
And someday maybe you'll understand,
how the way my heart work cause you.


lo ya readers uca nggalau lagi-_- hahahaha maaf ya, btw gimana gimana post kali ini? bismillah ya, hope you like it readers;;D